Date: 19/03/2008 [WEDNESDAY]
Contraceptive pills were still the most popular birth control method among women in Miri. According to Puan Monica Laeng, a Staff Nurse-in-charge of the Sarawak Family Planning Association (SFPA), Miri branch told reporters that most women preferred to take the pills because they were convenient, cheap and effective. Added that the contraception did not affect their monthly menstrual period which meant that they would still have it regularly as usual.
Puan Monica said the second popular methods were injection, followed by condom and IUCD or intra-uterine device. Puan Monica also explained that many people had the misconception that taking pills for too long would be dangerous and might cause some bad side-effects but it is not true as any method is safe as long as it is done according to the instruction. She advised women who had rashes on their bodies not to worry because their skin could be sensitive to the pills.
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