Jun 4, 2008


Date: 21/02/2008 [THURSDAY]

The future of the Plantation and Commodity sector particularly Oil Palm sector continues to be bullish and is still one of the major contributors to the national economy. Minister for Plantation Enterprises and Commodity, Datuk Peter Chin says the resources for plantation and commodity sector is growing as long as there is efforts to develop it by Malaysian small holder. He said Malaysian especially small holders in Sarawak should be grateful to the present government in every efforts to help the people to uplift their standard living of life and enjoying the good price of it. He was commended to the hard work and efforts by oil palm small holder in Batu Niah, Sibuti, Bekenu and Miri as todate, the four areas are the largest oil plam plantation compared to the other part in the state. Therefore, there is no doubt of the rakyat to reject the present government who are able to bring more development projects to the people in rural areas. Datuk Peter disclosed that he is confident that the present price of oil palm which is three-thousand 600 ringgit per tonne will increase to four-thousand ringgit per tonne in future compared more than one-thousand ringgit per tonne ten years ago.

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