Jun 4, 2008


Date: 09/01/2008 [WEDNESDAY]

Over RM100 million had been spent to develop five sanitary landfills in Sarawak since 2002. Sarawak Assistant Environment Minister, Dr Abang Abdul Rauf Abang Zen says the figure was just for the construction of the waste disposal facilities meant for leachate treatment from solid wastes that were located at Kemunyang in Sibu, Sibuti (Miri), Mambong (Kuching), Maradong (Sarikei) and Padawan (Kuching).

Speaking to reporters when visiting Sibuti Sanitary Landfill in Bekenu, about 30 kilometres from Miri, today, he said the Kuching Integrated Waste Management Park (KIWMP) in Mambong alone had cost about RM60 million. Added that the sanitary landfill concept could only be implemented in 2002 with the first of such facility being built in Kemunyang with a cost of about RM20 million based on technology from Australia.

Dr Abang Abdul Rauf disclosed that although the concept had been proven to be an effective waste management approach, the government would still have to consider its financial capacity. A total of 47 open dumping grounds covering about 375 hectares were currently being used in the state for disposing solid waste with 26 of these grounds were expected to reach full capacity and due to be closed in the near future.

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