Oct 31, 2008

'International Heritage Poetry Festival'

About twenty-seven poetess from all over the world will participate in the International Heritage Poetry Festival held at Niah National Park, Miri from the 8th of next month.

Chairman of the festival Organising Committee in Miri, Datu' Ose Murang says they are thirteen from Malaysia, two respectively from England and Indonesia, while each one from Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Camboja, China, Russia, South Korea and Brunei Darussalam.

Datu' Ose who also the Resident of Miri division said this in a press conference held at Miri Resident Office, today.

He said the four-days programme with themed, 'Culture and Nature: forests, caves and swiflets' is aims as a platform for Sarawak and Malaysia as whole to boost tourism industry and as a venue for writer of poems throughout the world to gather to share their ideas, knowledge and point of views in culture and nature poetry.

Datu' Ose added that the first of its kind such programme held in Sarawak will be held every two year starting this year.

Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. George Chan will be the guest of honour in the welcoming dinner on the 8th, while Minister of Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage of Malaysia, Datuk Shafie Apdal will officiated the festival at Niah National Park on the 11th of November 2008.

The festival is jointly organised by the Ministry of Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage of Malaysia and the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism of Sarawak.

Oct 29, 2008

Kenapa Perlu Membiarkan Diri Kita Dikuasai Orang Sekeliling Kita?

Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak! Mungkin pengalaman hidup yang membezakan kita berlainan dengan orang-orang di sekeliling kita. Apatah lagi, ibarat 'setahun jagung' .. ungkapan yang sering aku dengar dari orang sekeliling yang lebih dewasa dan matang dari kita.

Terlalu banyak nasihat dan kata-kata dari orang yang rapat denganku, 'Jangan membiarkan diri kita dikuasai orang sekeliling kita? Nescaya, boleh memakan diri. Orang sekeliling kita ini aku maksudkan orang yang bukan darah daging atau bukan sanak-saudara atau keluarga kita. Tapi, kekadang keluarga sendiri juga yang banyak mencetuskan kesakitan, penderitaan dan kepayahan pada diri kita, walhal, kita dah buat yang terbaik! Tapi sering jatuh ke 'parit', bangun sendiri walaupun kaki berdarah dan lukanya masih nampak hingga kini, tapi digagah juga hendak berdiri. Waktu berdiri, ada-ada sahaja yang berlaku. Bukan setakat terpijak 'tahi kucing' atau 'tahi anjing', tapi terpijak kaki sendiri.

Aku akui, aku memang terlalu banyak membuat kesilapan dalam hidup, dan blog kuini terasa seperti teman setia untuk aku mencurahkan segala-galanya, sedangkan realiti hidup, aku tak berani berbuat begitu.

Teman atau kawan di tempatku kerja, di Miri, tiada seorang pun yang aku percayai setelah apa yang mereka lakukan di belakangku. Setahu aku, aku tak pernah 'busy body' atau bercakap tentang mereka walhal, keburukan mereka dah nak sampai penuh 'air perigi' pun tak serik-serik nak tahu hal peribadi orang. Pun begitu, aku 'buat-buat tahu tahu' atau 'pura-pura tak tahu' walaupun sesekali, ada teman yang 'terlanjur cakap' atau 'terpacul dari mulut kawan kategori 'laser'. Pun aku masih mampu tersenyum. Hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu apa yang berlaku dalam hatiku.

Teringat aku, kawan-kawan semasa kursus IPTAR-14-4-2008 hingga 13-6-2008, terutamanya Kak Juriyati, Kak Sade, Kristo, Ati, Juma, Arqam, Mahathir, Taufik, Kak Zura, Effa, Amir, Nuf Afni, Wajihah, Fendi-dah jadi Sabahan, aku rindu akan kemesraan selama lebih 2 bulan walaupun berlainan agama, bangsa dan negeri, namun sifat bantu-membantu ketika kawan susah, sukar dicari. Sepupuku dan sanak-saudara di Miri sahaja yang menjadi temanku selepas waktu kerja.

Moralnya di sini, OOOiiiiiii kawan-kawan (sebut nama), you all kat mana????? Aku baru nak aktif balik kat blog setelah lama dari 'tido', dan sekarang, saya dah 'bangun' balik. Saya rindu nak jumpa you all.......

Can You Buy Happiness? Maybe

The most pages web i love to read is from Shine.yahoo.com. Why i love to read it everyday? Beside contain full of my needs and my information of knowledge in life, what can i say! When i like sometime, i like it very much (not including love someone cos human and reading is different kind of two different world). But, if i dont like the person, no matter how she/he persuade me on how or anywhere, i may say, 'sorry my friend', you're not in my heart lists of the person in my life.

My focus is, 'Can we buy happiness? Maybe. Ya... everyone have their destiny in life. But not all who want it what we want for what you have today. But the thing is i will say maybe yes! or maybe no!! Different people, different perception. You want her/him, but you can't have his/her heart because you love someone who is belong to someone else.

Perhap, life is not that too difficult as we are the one who create problem and messy our life. Nevertheless, without problem we won't be have experience in life as we can't learn everything from our parent unless we have to work hard for it , then we will understand what kind of the world we want to be.

Probably, happiness will come flow and blow at the same time, but when and where it happen, we still want to know or maybe the happiness is in ourself. Do we have to ask ourself just because we want to buy happiness????

Oct 14, 2008

Can You "Just Be Friends" with somebody you're attracted to

I was attracted to this line of words in one blog at yahoo. I am also among hundreds people who give my comment on the writers of the blogs. It keep recalling on me my past memories with one of my schoolmate while in level-2. His name is i should call Nelson A. I still remember his face and his smile until the last day he was study in my class, after he told me that he have to move to another town due of his parents transfer working to other place.

To all my friend tagged, i would like to ask all of you, that CAN YOU "just be friends" WITH SOMEBODY YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO? For me, in my past experience although you like him or her very much but remember, you cannot forcing somebody to love or like you, right?

What do you think? Do you still continue your relationship with her or him? Do you still want to be her/his friends after she/him rejected your love and broke your heart? We have our own answer in our heart and for those who still searching in what you're looking for, go and look for it. Knock the door, there is someone will open her/his door for you.

True friend will come in what you never expected to come. We doesnt knows that the person who like you very much and love you, but you cant love him because you already have your love, definetly, he is the one who can be your good listener, good friend and helpful when you need someone to talk too especially when you in trouble or massy problem.

True Love

Is that too difficult to find a true love in now days? Maybe, for certain people, it was. Maybe including me or you? We all have our mistakes and when we feel we want something more than that, probably it will hurt ourself or others.

True love will come from a true person who come just a friend and love will build itself without knowing when and how it may come. For me, true love will not come from the person you just knowing for couple of days and said, 'honey, i love you so much'. Doesn't exist at all and so ridiculous!

True love is the person you never invite in your life and it come truly, without saying anything and treat you just a woman you are, he love you because who you are, not the person who make trouble and sadness, tears every night to you.

There is thousand of true love in men and women but we can't identified them. The world is too big for me, and too small for those have true love.

Nevertheless, i believe my true love is watching and smile to me in one day, but not too fast or in short time but taking sometime because he also just a human being like me too!!!!!


Sometime, life make our day so difficult. Meanwhile, your friend surrounding you always taking advantage by gossip a lot of thing that you dont understand on it or making other ridiculous stories in order to hurt and wounded you until they can satisfied their needs to see how your tears fall and you fall until you give-up on life should to be.

Everybody do their mistakes, and i believe mistake make me more mature, and understand what life should to be in future. If i can turn the clock, i wish i can think properly and make decision by taking all the risks and listen to whom close in my life (family) BUT NOT FRIENDS surrounding me.

Yes, i do agreed that we need friend in our life? But not here in this town in my work place. NO Way!!! Everybody nee­d friends in our life but what is friend for you if your friend surrounding you, neither in work place or in your life are always gossip something bad about you! Yes, we cant stop people from talking about you. But, i must say, thank you to all my friend who are concern on me, neither friends who create bad thing on me, and all of you dont worry about it. I wont take any revenge but its make me realise who is my sincere and true friend.

Yes, i learn from my mistakes and my mistake open my eye who is with me or who is gossip on me, who is laughing on my failure on what i dont expeceted it may happen in my life in this stage.

To all my gossip friend, your turn will happen in future, and when you in trouble, believe me, the person you close too now, will disappear and far away from you. They only want to be friend with you when you are happy time, and not at when your crying time.

I am glad that i have a cousin, family and sisters who always give a full support in term of moral and personal on me although i feel really 'fall-down' from high bulding and 'alive after death' due of my mistake that i have recently.

From now onward, i realise family is the best of your friend when you in trouble. And i should thank for my family surrounding me here, because their words, their advises and their attention on me is always be with me. When i sad, when i cry and laugh, happy, they are the best person for you to share on it.

I am only a human being who trying her best to do the best in her life although WE CANT BE A PERPECT HUMAN BEING as gods. At least, we try rather than we dont!