Sep 25, 2010

I Do Not Hook Up

Oh, sweetheart, put the bottle down You've got too much talent I see you through those bloodshot eyes There's a cure, you've found it Slow. Awesome! - Kelly Clarkson, the winner of the first series of American idol's, some part of lyric, ((I Do Not Hook Up)). I watch the video of the song and it is so beautiful. And that make her have been choosen for the winner of the contest. But what i am trying to say here is comments from listerners around the world on that video music..some of them said kelly is fat or chubby, while some said she is not. Of cause, you don't want people to say bad thing about your favorite artist. so do i. I love Kelly but i love Christ Daughtry the most among other artist and i like this artist since the first he had entered the American idol's contest although he had not been nominated winner of the contest. Back to Kelly again. We like to judge others without knowing the truth. we like to simply talking about issues that we do not know the beginning of the story begans, while at the same time, so easily for us to judge her "from the outside" but we do not look at her "inside"! How could it can be? You have any comment on it? Share with me!


Anonymous said...

Followed u recently.. hd tag you on my blog. pls check!

Marian Awor said...

ok. thanks ya..lena