Sep 7, 2010

Is True Love Really Blind?

Love is Blind? What the meaning for? What is blind love? Is true love really blind? "Love is blind"--what is the meaning? What is the true meaning of love and being in love. Love can make you ignore or (become blind to)problems or short comings of the person you're in love with. Love.. Love isn't blind or deaf or dumb. Love is your inner beauty.‘love is blind’ is the romantic variety. For those who really don't understand or deep-in-love at the first sight or giving your full of 100% heart to him could may think,, extraordinary, funny or even worst..silly! When i read a news bites entitled, "107-year-old woman still in love with 38-year-old husband'. Silent a minute..i am thinking does still existed in these 21st century! Here is some short of the story all about, The oldest woman in Terengganu (is located at the east coast of West Malaysia, and the Malay culture is best seeing here as 90% of the population are Malays), 107-year-old Mek Wook Kondor still loves her husband, Mohd Nor Musa, 38, although he is undergoing drug rehabilitation for two months after he tested positive for heroin on Aug 12. Although disappointed with her husband's drug habits, she loves him for staying with her during happy and sad times. She said her young husband is hard working and helpful with the house chores including cooking washing and bathing her - sources: Harian Metro Sept, 2,2010

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