Here are the nine characteristics we've come up with:
1. Sense of Humor: Everyone says how important sense of humor is, and I have learned look for it in women. I am lucky enough to be able to make women laugh, but I'm still super single.
2. Trustworthy: Trust is the holy grail of a relationship. It takes years to build it, and it is so delicate. There are few things that take so long to attain that can be destroyed so quickly. So a lot of us may finally settle on a very trustworthy person when we finally find that.
3. Kindness: This seems like a no-brainer, but I've seen plenty of girls stay with guys who don't treat them well. So, I'm thinking that most women look for a nice guy, but the fact of the matter is that mean guys seem to get girlfriends too-and at a better rate than nice guys.
4. Money: I admit it: I sometimes envision myself marrying rich and sitting there doing nothing. I could lie out on my wife's yacht and host lavish parties and hear about how crazy the Roaring 20's were, when my wife's friends were my age. Money is definitely high on a lot of people's list: remember when Anna Nicole Smith married that really old rich guy? I doubt it was because she thought he was hot, funny, or great in the sack.
5. Super Hot: As much as we hate to admit it, the first thing we notice about someone else is how good or bad they look. But one of the first lessons we learn in the dating world is as beautiful as someone is on the outside, they could be ugly on the inside.
6. Confident: Confidence is based on a lot of these characteristics. You are confident if you are talented, super hot, intelligent, or wealthy most likely. But confidence also enables you to treat people better, so you are kind and trustworthy as well. Because confidence includes so many of these other characteristic, it may just be the one major thing women look for in a man.
7. Talented & Passionate: When someone possesses a special skill, such as visual art or guitar virtuosity, they get tons of girls. People like Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and Tom Brady can go out with anyone they want because they are skilled. Heck, I'd go out with them. Usually skill occurs in tandem with passion, another attractive quality. When someone is really good at something, but not "hot," it makes sense that they can still attract a lot of women. It's less annoying to see someone like this in a relationship than it is to see a rich mean guy in a relationship.
8. Intelligent: I am intimidated by women who are more intelligent than I am (which explains why I'm intimidated by about 97% of the female population). For a lot of people, intelligence is sexy. When someone is stupid, it's frustrating and boring, which is enough to drive someone away.
9. Convenient: One can argue that convenience is a huge driver for a relationship. Does he live near you, is he "ready" to be in a relationship, does he want to have kids or not? Everything matches up correctly. Sure, he may not be the best-looking guy or have a lot of money, but it's just what you need and it's been a long, difficult search.
If we put these characteristics on a pie chart, what would get the biggest piece of the pie with you? Again, some of these characteristics occur together: intelligence and wealth, talent and passion, kindness and generosity, convenience and wealth.
How often do women care about superficial things like money? It's scary, but sometimes I fear that no matter how funny I am, if I had lots of money I could date any cute girl I wanted.
How do all of these characteristics shake out for you when choosing a boyfriend, and are there any you'd add to the list? Does confidence just take all of these characteristics into consideration?......Posted by Rich
Among all this, number 5: 'Super Hot' is in my first list although i am not a pretty woman but yet, i have to tell the truth from the bottom of my heart. I dont want to be a hypocrete women whom 'hide' their bad and 'show off' their body and outside beauty. I hate of kind this people. I am not a perfect human being but yet, i am who i am, and still trying to build my trust to my love one.
I must say, i love to read any articles from this web cos the writers taught me a lot of thing in life, and create awareness in me that whom i should be trusted or not.
Tapikan, kadang-kadang, kita nak yang itu, tapi lain jadinya. Kenapa apabila kita nakkan benda yang kita inginkan, benda lain yang datang. Cuma, satu persoalan yang masih mengganggu dalam benak otakku, " adakah kita tidak akan dipunyai oleh insan yang begitu kita sayang ....TETAPI... Dipunyai oleh insan lain yang begitu amat menyayangi diri kita dan menerima seadanya diri kita". Aduh....Mak...kenapalah, ini sering terjadi dalam hidup kita... tapikan, bila aku fikir-fikir balik, aku memang bertuah..lihat, kawan-kawanku yang dulunya kuanggap bahagia, tetapi rupanya 'neraka' kehidupan yang terpaksa mereka lalui saban hari dengan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Jika adapun yang bahagia tetapi kehidupan 'tidak seberapa' malah masalah 'kewangan' sering menjadi punca api pertengkaran rumahtangga. Sampai ada yang menyesal kerana kahwin muda gilak...!!!!.
Ha....saya bukannya apa tapi bila difikir-fikirkan...agak-agaknya...bilalah aku 'settle down' ni... atau lebih mesra panggilan, 'kahwin' & jadi 'mem'...alamak... tak nak jauh dari Malaysia. Aku bukannya apa. Aku boleh settle down bila-bila masa aku nak tapi aku takut aku rindu sambal belacan, mee kolok, laksa, ulam-ulaman, tom yam sup..banyak lagi.....fuh!!! kat mane aku nak dape jang oiiii>......lagi susah kalau nak cari 'manok pansoh' or ayam masak dalam buluh...
Hai kak anne :) lama tak dengar citer akak. bila lagi nak turun kl? boleh kita g foya-foya. hehehe
Satu soalan. Bila nak kawen nih? Kalau setakat rindu sambal belacan, mee kolok, manok pansoh segala, tak nak kawen, rugi laaaaa.. hahahaha
Sekali sekala balik Sarawak nanti boleh je bedal suma makanan tuh. :p
Tima kasih. Niii...Juma, no. telefon u hilang cos handfone akak pun lesap tapi i still use the old number. I tekejut beruk' tadi..ingat 'secret admire' sebab nama blog dah tukar.
Mungkin bulan mac kot sebab 'my future husband' ada di KL, sambung study 3 month. Kalau saya di KL nanti, saya call you. But, first of all, beri no. telefon u, dan kawan2 yang lain cos my phone hilang, semua hilang. I still maintain my old number k.
Hapi new year. Apa azam you 2009? Kak N azam-kahwin this year.
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