Bunga mekar diibaratkan keanggunan dan keayuan seorang wanita. Kecantikannya sukar diluahkan dengan madahdan pena, namun ibarat cinta yang mampu menjatuhkan seorang lelaki yang berkuasa. Cinta itu syurga namun, bisa mengundang neraka.
She is a beautiful woman, a mother, a lady, a wife and a friend to her daughter. Married with a man 42 years ago, with three daugthers. A wonderful mother, obidient, patience and obliges wife, but my eye witnesses your tears and suffering in your married and yet, your strong love to a man i called, father much stronger a day by day until today. I want to be like you. Your character, your tenderness and your love really inspire me. But, i cant do as much as you do. Being as your younger daughter, i have seen your everything even not all that i know as much as my two elder sister. I just wondering, how does you can stand the whole of your life, your soul and your beautiful heart ONLY JUST FOR HIM!!!! Maybe, just a simple answer, because you're a woman.